April 22, 2:00 PM - April 23, 8:00 PM
AIChE Western Regional Conference is finally here and we couldn’t be happier! Network with fellow Chemical Engineering Students, faculty, and professionals. Participate in Chem E Car Competition, Chem E Jeopardy, present your research in the Paper/Poster competitions, or attend professional workshops!

Please Fill Out the UCLA Symptom Monitoring Survey Prior to Attending On-campus Activities:
Proceed with the symptom survey by clicking "Non-UCLA community member (without a Single Sign-On UCLA Logon ID)." Attendees must fill out this form every day of the Western Regional Conference.
Important Events
- Sat, Apr 23UCLA
- Sat, Apr 23Boelter Hall
- Fri, Apr 22Boelter Hall
- Fri, Apr 22Boelter Hall

The mission of the UCLA Student Chapter of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers is to promote excellence in the Chemical Engineering Department of the School of Engineering and Applied Science by providing resources and support to chemical engineering students so that they can succeed academically and advance professionally. From professional development workshops to social events, we aspire to have a safe, connected and inclusive community.